第8回日独経済フォーラム, 2014年4月9(水)
The role of energy storage for the "Energiewende"
The Energiewende is not limited to the promotion and development of wind and solar energy. Crucial for the success is the integration of fluctuating amounts of electricity into the grid. Storage capacities - from large-format storages in the mega- or gigawatt range to small battery units for households and innovative forms of memory, such as power-to-gas - will play an important role in the future network architecture and the energy market.
The Energiewende is not limited to the promotion and development of wind and solar energy. Crucial for the success is the integration of fluctuating amounts of electricity into the grid. Storage capacities - from large-format storages in the mega- or gigawatt range to small battery units for households and innovative forms of memory, such as power-to-gas - will play an important role in the future network architecture and the energy market.
Hall 13 (Global Business & Markets), HANNOVER MESSE
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
- Deutsche Messe
- ECOS Consult
German and Japanese (simultaneous translation)
With support of::
- Toshiba Cooperation
- Mitsubishi International GmbH
- LEXUS / Toyota Weller
- ANA All Nippon Airways

Johanna Schilling
Tel: +49 (0)541 911 909 90
Email: jschilling@ecos.eu