Preventive environmental protection in focus: the German-Japanese PIUS Conferences

The German-Japanese PIUS Conferences were first held in 2001. Since then they have established themselves as an important platform for bilateral exchange on product and production integrated environmental protection (PIUS).

PIUS is to be understood as precautionary - in contrast to traditional, after-care environmental protection or additive environmental protection. Preventive environmental protection begins with the optimization of resource use and the increase of productivity, which minimizes operating costs. Opportunities lie, among other things, in increasing competitiveness, reducing costs and increasing efficiency in the use of raw materials, operating supplies and auxiliary materials. In addition, not only process flows are optimized, but also material and energy flows. In this way, emissions are reduced or even avoided. PIUS also includes the development of innovative processes and environmentally friendly product design.

  • 7. German-Japanese PIUS Conference in December 2007 in Yokohama, Japan
  • 6. Deutsch-Japanische PIUS-Konferenz, am 23. Oktober 2006 in Düsseldorf
  • 5. Deutsch-Japanische PIUS-Konferenz, am 30. September 2005 in Nagoya, Japan
  • 4. Deutsch-japanische Konferenz zum Thema Produkt- und Produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz,
    am 26. Oktober 2004 in Kitakyushu, Japan
  • 1.-3. Deutsch-japanische Konferenz zum Thema Produkt- und Produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz,
    am 18./19. September 2001 in Berlin, 18. Oktober 2002 in Osaka, Japan und 25. September 2003 in Düsseldorf