ECOS - reliable partner for companies and public authorities
References from our service areas:
ECOS works for private companies in Japan and Germany as well as for the public sector in both countries. We have compiled some selected references from our various fields of activity here.
Market entry in Japan and setup of a subsidiary for a German company
ECOS supported a German company of the automotive supply industry from the contacting of potential customers and partners up to the recruitment of Japanese managers and the setting up of the subsidiary in Japan. In this process ECOS carried out training and qualification measures with the relevant managers and employees as a preparation for the market entry.
Market entry in Japan and setup of a subsidiary for a German company
For a German manufacturer of garbage sorting plants, ECOS carried out a market study and prepared a market entry concept. After setting up a subsidiary in Japan, ECOS carried out PR measures such as fair participations, interviews and articles in Japanese print media as well as the introduction to new customers by the ECOS network in Japan. Meanwhile the company is well-established in the Japanese market.
Setup of a subsidiary in Japan for a German company
ECOS established a representative office in Tokyo for a German company of the railway technology sector. Later this office was then converted to a subsidiary. ECOS had searched for suitable candidates for their representative in Japan, jointly carried out interviews in Japan and found the new company representative for Japan.
Interim management of the Japan branch
For a manufacturer of recycling plants ECOS created a market study and on this basis a marketing concept for the Japanese market. The goal was to completely redo the Japanese business on its own feet. To enable immediate operation, ECOS took over the interim management of the newly established Japan Representative.
Market entry in Japan and setup of a representative office for an Italian company
For an Italian manufacturer of recycling plants, ECOS searched for a suitable representative and agent, evaluated the market, developed a market entry strategy and carried out PR measures such as fair participations, interviews and articles in Japanese print media.
Restructuring of the business and subsidiary for a Japanese company in Germany
ECOS consulted a Japanese manufacturer of surface inspection technology sector on restructuring the German and European offices with the aim to improve the market position in the European market. ECOS searched for and evaluated suitable new locations in Germany and set up set up the new European headquarter in Germany. ECOS supported the recruitment of new staff members (sales manager, service technicians and secretary) and coached the overall restructuring process also in terms of cross-cultural challenges.
Lead generation at German trade fairs for a Japanese research institute
In combination with several participations at a German industrial trade fair, ECOS prepared information material in Japanese language about innovative technologies developed by a major Japanese research institution, searched for and approached potentially interested companies and arranged meetings at the fair. After the fair participation, ECOS supported the evaluation and follow-up of the sales leads.
Licensing and setting up of a production in Japan for a German company
For a German construction material manufacturer ECOS evaluated the Japanese market and developed a market entry concept. ECOS introduced the later partner company in Japan and accompanied the process of licensing, patent application and setup of a production site in Japan.
Acquisition of distribution partners in Japan for a German company
Based on carried out studies on the Japanese market for natural paints ECOS developed a market entry concept for a German paints manufacturer. ECOS evaluated and introduced several potential distribution partners and then supported the setup of technical cooperations with Japanese partner companies for a joint development of new products for the Japanese market.
Enhancing an existing distribution network in Japan for a German company
Together with a German construction material manufacturer ECOS developed a concept for an expansion of their Japan business. ECOS supported the intensification of cooperation with an already existing distribution partner, introduced new distribution partners, e.g. the contact to a large Japanese company of the window and facade sector and support of the joint development of a new product.
Germany’s Capital Region – the Core of Energy Transformation
German-Japanese GX Networking Event, 27.02.2024, Tokyo
Development and management of the representative office of Lower Saxony in Japan (since 2020)
Fukushima company delegation to the e-world 2020
German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (2016-2020)
The work of the GJETC focuses on the scientific exchange of energy industry issues and mutual learning.
The GJETC is financed by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment, the Mercator Foundation and the German Federal Foreign Office as well as on the Japanese side by the Japanese Ministry of Economics METI.
Smart Community Projekt in Speyer (2015-2018)
German Eco Housing Initiative
Visibility of the German Industry and Research in Japan in the field of Sustainable Building
"Renewable mobile - Qualification of the craft for the challenges of electric mobility",
Sensitize the craft for the challenges and opportunities of electric mobility
Installing a fixed biomass boiler in Otoineppu, Japan
in the context of the dena Renewable Energy Solutions - Program
“Micro-Cogeneration: New Opportunities for the craft industry" (since 2010)
Creation of a virtual power plant based on several cogeneration plants including the test and optimization of different operation modi (only in German and Dutch language)
“Germany in Japan“, 2005/2006
German Year in Japan 2005 & 2006
Development of the Japanese furniture market for companies of the region Ostwestfalen-Lippe
A project co-financed by the EU and the Sate of Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW) that shall promote the potential of the German furniture industry on the Japanese market and strengthen the German-Japanese co-operation in the furnniture sector.
IHK Company pool "Umwelt-und Geotechnologie" DUG in Japan (1997 - 2003)
Company Pool “Environment- and Geotechnology” of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Japan
The Japanese Market for Medical- and Rehabilitation Technology
Foreign trade initiative of the German Federal State of Nordrhein Westfalen
“Successful Entry into the Japanese Market” - a QUATRO project
Project on behalf of the German federal government of Nordrhein Westfalen
13. German-Japanese Dialogue Forum for Environment and Energy,
"Circular Economy for Climate Action"
25./26. January 2024 (online)
1.-13. Dialogue Forum, since 2007 yearly in Germany and Japan
12. German-Japanese Dialogue Forum for Environment and Energy,2022, online
11. German-Japanese Dialogue Forum for Environment and Energy, 2021, online
10. German-Japanese Dialogue Forum for Environment and Energy, 2019, Tokyo
9. German-Japanese Environment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2018, Berlin
8. German-Japanese Environment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2017, Tokyo
7. German-Japanese Environment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2015, Berlin
6. German-Japanese Environment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2014, Tokyo
5. German-Japanese Environment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2013, Berlin
4. German-Japanese Envirinment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2011, Tokyo
3. German-Japanese Envirinment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2010, Berlin
2. German-Japanese Envirinment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2009, Tokyo
1. German-Japanese Envirinment and Energy Dialogue Forum, 2007, Osnabrück
17. German-Japanese Economic Forum,
22. April 2024, HANNOVER MESSE, Online
1. - 17. Economic Forum, yearly at Hannover Messe
16. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2023
15. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2022
14. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2021
13. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2019
12. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2018
11. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2017
10. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2016
9. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2015
8. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2014
7. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2013
6. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2012
5. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2011
4. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2010
3. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2009
2. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2007
1. German-Japanese Economic Forum, 2006
GJETC Outreaches in Tokyo und Berlin von 2018 bis 2023
Meet the Co-Chairs, 15.02.2024, Berlin
Nexus of Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency and Climate Protection , 21.09.2023, online
Connecting the Outcome of COP 27 with German-Japanese Cooperation on the Energy Transition , 09.12.2022, online
Approaching carbon neutrality in times of crisis , 09.11.2022, online
Beyond Climate Emergency – Steps towards Carbon Neutrality, 02.07.2021, online
The Importance of International Cooperation under Disruptive Changes , 10. September 2018, Tokyo
The Importance of International Cooperation under Disruptive Changes , 20. April 2018, Berlin
Energy transition in Germany & Japan: Consensus and Controversy , 16. Februar 2018, Berlin
Council Meetings of the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council GJETC in Tokyo and Berlin from 2016 to 2023:
14th Council meeting GJETC, Tokyo, 2/3.03.2023
13th Council meeting GJETC, Berlin, 28/29.11.2022
12th Council meeting GJETC, online, 24-25.02.2022
11th Council meeting GJETC, online, 13/14. 09.2021
10th Council meeting GJETC, online, 03.12.2021
9th Council meeting GJETC, online, 09.25.2020
8th Council Meeting GJETC, Berlin, 18/19.03.2020
7th Council Meeting GJETC, Tokyo, 09/24/2019.
6th Council Meeting GJETC, Berlin, 03/06/2019
5th Council Meeting GJETC, Tokyo, 14.11.2018
4th Council Meeting GJETC, Berlin, 16.02.2018
3rd Council Meeting GJETC, Tokyo, 4/5.09.2017
2nd Council Meeting GJETC, Berlin, 24.01.2017
1st Council Meeting GJETC, Tokyo0, 15.11.2016
Photonics and Sensing Innovations from Thuringia and Berlin. Potential for Cooperation,
April 2024, Delegation from Thuringia to the OPIE in Yokohama
Importance and Advantages of Interim Management for Strategic Business Development in Japan,
Webinar, 19.09.2023
Sustainable Food for Tomorrow,
Webinar, Niedersachsen State, 29.06.2022
Market Opportunities in Germany's growing Hydrogen Ecosystem,
Webinar, NRW.Global Business / Germany Trade & Invest,, 14.03.2022
Germany`s energy transition,
Missing links for a successful implementation of 100% Renewables,
Webinar, LEG thüringen, 01.03.2022
Cities and municipalities on the way to Net Zero,
Webinar, 01.-02.03.2022
Can CCS/CCU contribute substantially to reach "net zero?"
Webinar, 01/06/2022
Life Sciences meets Physics,
Webinar, LEG Thüringen, 14.12.2021
The "Silicon Valley of Europe" begins in the heart of Europe - in Thuringia,
Webinar, LEG Thuringia, 12.10.2021
From Coal To Cool,
Structural Change Effects of the "German Energiewende" New Business Opportunities in Eastern Germany,
Webinar, Economic Development Corporations of Saxony and Brandenburg, 05.10.2021
Carbon Pricing - German-Japanese Webinar
Webinar, 06. July 2021
Smart Farming - German-Japanese Workshop
26. June 2021, online
German-Japanese expert workshop on industrial waste heat utilisation
19. - 23. April 2021, online
Webinars EU Japan Center:
Smart Farming technology in Japan and Opportunities for EU Companies,
02. March 2021, onlinbe
The Market for Biogas Plants in Japan and Opportunities for EU Companies,
06. march 2021, online
Webinar: Environmental Impact Assessment, 2020
ECOS supported companies from Fukushima at the E-World 2020,
11.-13.2.2020, Essen
ECOS supported companies from Fukushima at the E-World 2019,
5.-7.2.2019, Essen
Stadtwerke-Symposium: "The Future of Stadtwerke - New Business Models in the Age of Digitalization",
11. September 2018, Tokyo
2. German-Japanese Biomass Day, 2014, Tokyo
1. German-Japanese Biomass Day, 2013, Tokyo and Morioka
Conference "Electric mobility - Challenge and opportunity for the craft",
19 March 2014, Osnabrück
"Renewable mobile - Qualification of the craft for the challenges of electric mobility",
Sensitize the craft for the challenges and opportunities of electric mobility
Fact Finding Mission to Japan, May 2013 - Benchmark Japan
Client: chamber of Crafts Osnabrueck – Emsland – Grafschaft Bentheim
New Chances on the Japanese Market - "The Japanese Market for Electricity Generation by Renewable Energies",
16. October 2012, Hannover
German-Japanese Solar Day,
22. Juni 2012, Tokyo
New Chances on the Japanese Market - "The Japanese Market for Heat Generation by Renewable Energies",
08. May 2012, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hannover
„Building Market Japan – Chances for the German building materials and technology industry“,
Info seminar for companies and association representatives, 22. February 2012, Cologne
Low Temperature Solar Thermal Energy and Solar Assisted Cooling in Japan - Market information, Potentials and Chances for German companies, 9. June 2010, Munich
The Japanese Market for Solar Thermal Energy, 29. October 2009, Hannover
Green Technologies in Japan and Germany, 27. October 2009, Köln
German-Japanese Robotics Summit, 22. April 2008, Hannover Messe
Japanese-German Photovoltaics Forum, 24. April 2008, Hannover Messe
Establishment of a subsidiary and personell recruiting in Japan, 24. April 2008, Hannover Messe
Conference series "Sustainable and healthy Building and Living" at three different locations in Japan im February 2006
Exhibition series in Japan: Sustainable consumption in Germany
German-Japanese Conferences on Product and Production Integrated Environmental Protection (PIUS),
yearly conferences in Germany and Japan, 2001-2008:
PIUS Conference 2007, Yokohama
PIUS Conference in 2006, Düsseldorf
PIUS Conference in 2005, Nagasaki
PIUS Conference in 2004, Kitakyushu
PIUS Conference in 2003, Düsseldorf
PIUS Conference in 2002, Osaka
PIUS Conference in 2001, Berlin
German-Japanese seminar „Heat-Island Phänomenon and Counter Measures” in the frame of the “Deutschland in Japan" year 2005/2006, 17. June 2005, Nagoya
The Japanese market for sustainable and healthy building - Company visit to Japan with Business Contact Forum, 12. bis 19. February 2005
Chances and potentiales for nordrhein-westphalian automotive supplier in Japan, entrepreneur seminar, 17. May 2004
Chances and potentiales for automotive supplier in Japan, entrepreneur seminar, 17. November 2003, Osnabrück
Japanese market for renewable energies and energy saving technologies, 16. June 2003, Osnabrück
Market chances and entry possibilities for German companies
German participation at the environmental fair New Earth 2002, 16. - 19. October, Osaka
German-Japanese Conference "Japan and Germany: Partner in Environmental Technologies - Cooperation possibilities in Business and Research" at the Entsorga, Cologne (2000)
Studies, Researches and Concepts
Japan's Green Transformation (GX) investment policies and implications for EU companies (2024)
Market Situation and Potentials in Japan for Technologies for Solid Biomass Utilization (2024)
Market Situation and Potentials in Japan for Plastic Recycling Technologies (2023)
Importance and Advantages of Interim Management for Strategic Business Development in Japan (2023)
Report on Market for Biogas Plants in Japan and Opportunities for EU Companies (2021)
Report on Smart Farming Technology in Japan and Opportunities for EU Companies (2021)
Report on Real-World laboratories for sector coupling (2019)
Report on the market for Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) systems in Europe (2019)
Report on the hydrogen market Germany (2019)
Report on the circular economy and the impact of plastic legislation in the EU (2019)
Report on Intelligent Energy Storage Systems for Renewable Energies (2019)
Factsheets (2017-2021):
"Current Situation and Ongoing Projects on Carbon Capture and Storage and Carbon Capture and Utilization in Germany and Japan"
"Experiences with Carbon Pricing in Germany, the EU and Japan"
"Environmental Impact Assessment" (in German language)
"Clean Coal Technologies (CCT) in Japan - political strategy and current projects" (in German language)
"Regional Actors Climate Protection Electricity and Heat in German-German Comparison" (in German language)
"Energy-saving and climate-protection effects due to industrial waste heat recovery in German-German comparison" (in German language)
"Regional Actors Climate Protection Transport and Charging Infrastructure in the German-German-German Comparison" (in German language)
"Freight Japan" (in German language)
"Bicycle traffic Japan" (in German language)
"Biomass use Japan" (in German language)
"CHP Japan" (in German language)
Report on manufacturers of gasification systems in Europe (2017)
Monthly Report on current topics, trends and political measures in the fields of energy and industrial technology in Germany (since 2016)
Report on climate protection measures of European energy suppliers (2016)
Report on politics and newes technologies in the field of photovoltaics in Germany (2015/2016)
Report on German and European laws and regulations about industrial refrigerants as well as test methods on flamabulity and toxicity of refrigerants in Germany (2014)
Report on the Japanese energy market (2013)
Report on Heat Generation by wood biomass technologies in Germany (2012)
Study on Electricity Generation by Renewable Energies in Germany (2012)
German ordinances, regulations and measures in the field of renewable energies (2011/2012)
Market survey on welding processes in the European automotive industry (2008)
Market study on the European concrete industry (2008)
Report on Biodiesel in Germany (2007)
Report on CO2 emission trading in Germany (2005)
Report on the German Recycling industry (2001)
Company survey on opening up the Japanese market (2000)
Market survey " Water and Wastewater Treatment in Japan " (1999)
Market survey "Waste Treatment and Recycling in Japan" (1999)
Company survey on opening up the Japanese market (1999)
Market study on the soil decontamination in Germany (1999)
"Economic policy concept Japan" for the State of Brandenburg, Preliminary concept for a japan orientated state marketing (1999)
Preparation of a video in Japanese language about the waste separation and recycling in Germany
(Doitsu no gomi bunbetsu shûshû; 1999)
Pubication of the "Environment Newsletter" in Japanese language
Organisation of the German Pavillion at the Japan Home & Building Show yearly from 2005 to 2017, Tokyo
Client: AUMA
Coordination of the German participation on the Japanese environmental fair "Environment Japan" in Tokyo (November 2001)
Client: Japan External Trade Organisation JETRO
Organization of a Japanese-German seminar at the Entsorga Environmental Fair 2000:
"Japan and Germany: Cooperating Partners in the Environmental Technology Sector - Economic and Research Opportunities"
Client: German Ministry for Research and Education, Ministry of Economics NRW, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Coordination of the German participation at the WASTEC in Tokyo 1999
Client: German Ministry for Education and Research, German-Japanese Co-operation Council
Organization of the Japanese-German Conference "German Day" on the WASTEC environment-fair in Tokyo (1999)
Client: Federal German Ministry for Education and Research
Coordination of the German Participation at the ECO-Japan environment fair in Kyoto (1999)
Client: German Ministry for Education and Research
German-Japanese Seminar and Business Matching in Kawasaki (1999)
Client: Kawasaki City, Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Planning and coordination of the shared booth of Lower Saxony State at the WASTEC (1999)
Client: Investment Promotion Agency (IPA), State of Lower Saxony
Coordination of the German participation at the environment fair WASTEC in Tokyo (1998)
Client: German Ministry for Education and Research
Organisation of the German-Japanese Expert Conference "German Day" at the environment fair (WASTEC) in Tokyo (1998)
Client: German Ministry for Education and Research, German-Japanese Co-operation Council
Planning and coordination of the shared booth of Lower Saxony at the WASTEC (1998)
Client: Investment Promotion Agency (IPA), State of Lower Saxony
Co-ordination of the German participation at the "New Earth" environment fair in Osaka (1996)
Client: OITFC Osaka
German-Japanese expert workshop and excursions to projects in Germany on waste heat utilization
27.02. - 02.03.2023, Essen
Market fact-finding mission and expert workshop on industrial waste heat utilisation
19. - 23. April 2021
Organization of a NRW delegation to the FC Expo, Osaka 2019
"Renewable mobile - Qualification of the craft for the challenges of electric mobility",
Sensitize the craft for the challenges and opportunities of electric mobility
Fact Finding Mission to Japan, May 2013 - Benchmark Japan
Fact Finding Mission for Japanese decision-makers and multipliers for Energy Efficient Building in Germany,
07. - 12. October 2012
Development and management of the representative office of Lower Saxony in Japan, since 2020
Client: Ministry of Economics, Labour, Transport and Digitisation of Lower Saxony
Location marketing in Japan for the state of Thuringia - investor promotion and webinars (since 2021)
Client: State Development Corporation of Thuringia
Investor acquisition and location marketing in Japan for the State of Brandenburg 2019, 2020
Client: Economic Development Agency Brandenburg
Location marketing in Japan for the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 2014, 2015
Client: Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH
Foreign Direct Investment Advisor for Japan in Germany (2003-2010)
Auftraggeber: JETRO Japan External Trade Organization
Representative Office of the City of Kitakyushu in Germany (1998-2006)
Client: Kitakyushu City
Support of the economic co-operation between Muelheim/Ruhr, Essen, Oberhausen (MEO) and Nagasaki Prefecture (1990-2000)
Client: City of Essen
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We can look back on many years of practical cooperation with ECOS and particularly appreciate their great expertise in Japan and their qualified advice. Thomas Roess, Managing Director |
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Deutsche Messe would like to express its sincere thanks for the many years of cooperation, especially for the successful commitment to the German-Japanese Business Forum at the Hannover Messe. Dr. Jochen Köckler, Managing Director |
Through trusting and intensive cooperation, we were able to achieve a sustainable market entry in Japan. Florian Reichel, Managing Director |
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Without the support and know-how of ECOS, our German-Japanese cooperation projects in the renewable energy sector would not have come to life. Dr. Norio Ohtomo, Managing Director, Natural Energy Research Center (NERC), Sapporo, Japan |
Selected customers and partners in Germany:


