Heat pumps and geothermal energy market in Japan

Webinar: “Heat pumps and geothermal energy market in Japan”, 10:30 –11:30 Uhr MESZ, online

Japan's new strategic energy plan provides for an expansion of energy efficiency and greater use of geothermal energy. Energy consultant and energy efficiency expert Peter Beck (ECOS) will talk about the opportunities and challenges for European companies in this increasingly important market.

As part of the webinar series organized by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation in Japan, Peter Beck will provide an overview of market developments and trends, particularly in key technologies. Political framework conditions and legal regulations will also be highlighted. With the concluding assessment of the potential and challenges for European SMEs, the webinar provides a comprehensive and informative basis for anyone considering entering the heat pump and geothermal energy market in Japan.

As soon as registration is possible, we will publish the link on this page