GJETC Outreach November 2022
Approaching carbon neutrality in times of crisis
The war in the Ukraine revealed the dependency of the European and especially the German energy supply security on energy imports from Russia. This dependency causes fears towards the upcoming winter season and raises questions anew regarding alternatives to secure the energy supply. While ensuring the people’s short-term energy supply, Germany also has to keep up with its commitments to contribute to the mitigation of climate change with its long-term risks.
Against this background, the German-Japanese dialogue on energy transition plays a particular significant role. The outreach event outlined the main results of three studies that discuss (1) the role of distributed electricity storage for grid balancing, (2) the potential for decarbonization in the steel sector and (3) an update on long-term scenarios to reach carbon neutrality in Germany and Japan in light of the current energy crisis. The presentations were followed by a discussion on how both countries aim to ensure energy security while meeting their climate policy commitments.

ECOS Consult
Tel: +49-541-911 909-93
Fax: +49-541-911 909-99
E-Mail: info@ecos.eu
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Tel: +81-3-5547-0211
Fax: +81-3-5547-0223
E-Mail: contact-ieej@tky.ieej.or.jp